25. 10. 2019
Surveillance systems generally store their recordings only on local storage. Data stored this way can be easily lost either through theft or malfunction of the recording device. Cloud storage offers the certainty of continual backing up of the data stored on our secured online servers. This way the data can’t be compromised by hardware manipulation.
Physical storages need to be remotely connected to a specific device. The configuration is demanding and the errors can be many. But if you back up your recordings on the cloud, you can access them through the internet everywhere, anytime, even from more locations at once. All required configuration is very easy.
If you decide to store your data only on physical storage devices, you will need to count wisely how many cameras can your infrastructure hold. All infrastructure expansions are problematic. When it comes to the cloud, you don’t have to deal with such problems; our servers are very efficient, scalable, and able to process large amounts of data. Adding a camera or other device is a question of a few clicks.
Conventional surveillance systems with large amounts of recordings and watchers are heavy on bandwidth. The watchers need to connect directly to the device which then sends data individually to every watcher. If the system uses cloud storage, the watcher will connect to a livestream that the camera sends to the cloud. There’s only one data stream between our customer’s devices and our servers. The data stream is not dependent on the number of people or devices connected to the system.
Remote access to individual cameras through the cloud saves both time and money. Most basic tasks can be done remotely without the need for a technical service intervention.
For NetRex, the correct function of the platform and connected devices is monitored by the Watchdog. In case of an outage, the customer is immediately informed and the problem is solved.
Local storages have the disadvantage of needing regular updates for maximum security. When combined with the cloud, the firmware on all devices is updated as soon as we verify that the newest version of firmware is safe. This way we ensure maximum security.
Safely setting up a local solution is very complex. With unsecured physical storage, there’s no guarantee that your connection won’t be compromised. Our cloud solution ensures encrypted communication guaranteed by a credible certification authority. Our system contains further security measures such as CSP or HSTS.
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