Let smart IP cameras help you with your business.
Track the course of a construction from anywhere, even retroactively from a record, and showcase the course or result of the work on your website or YouTube channel. Choose the right services for construction sites, which will not disappoint you!
Smart cameras do not only monitor a construction, but also detect suspicious situations and notify you by e-mail or message to your mobile phone. A smart search that makes it easy to find important events in the record isn’t missing either. Nothing happens without your knowledge – keep an eye on everything!
Get to know the NetRex Monitor
The NetRex TimeLapse service creates time lapse videos that bring more information about the construction, from laying of the foundations to completion. The service will take care of creating and safely storing photos in the time interval set by you. Finally, it automatically creates a high-quality presentation that your partners, employees and viewers will appreciate. Efficient course of construction in minutes!
Get to know the NetRex TimeLapse
What about building a website or YouTube channel? NetRex Streamer provides live streaming, which can be watched with enthusiasm by partners, clients and potential buyers. Showcase how the construction begins, progresses and ends. Be online!
Get to know the NetRex Streamer
Cameras on the construction site can solve a number of problems and misunderstandings. Track the course of construction, adhere to work safety or machine monitoring. This is part of the Axis IP camera offer. But how to solve Internet connection issues and power outages? We’ve solved it for you – we’ve developed our own mobile switchboard!
The NetRex Mobile Switchboard is a completely autonomous device that just needs to be connected to the power supply. Everything else will take care of itself. Within a few minutes, you have a live image of the building including recordings that you can look back at. Do not let any incident happen!
Discover NetRex Mobile Switchboard
Why bet on a reliable and proven NetRex mobile switchboard?
We will design the best solution for you, install it and train your employees. Our technical support will ensure that the operation does not fail and we will help you with fulfilling GDPR and other legislative conditions. We have more than 12 years of experience in this area, and we are currently monitoring more than 1,500 of our clients’ shops and buildings. Rely on professionals!
NetRex is used by the following clients, for example: