NetRex portal add-on
Connect the barcode reader, Axis camera, and NetRex portal. The barcode scans' JPG files will automatically be saved to the shared storage of your choice.
When you scan the barcode with the reader, camera snapshots are automatically uploaded to your SharePoint with the appropriate date and time. Uploaded JPG images include embedded scanned barcodes.
If the recording fails, for example, due to a bad connection, you will know about it immediately, thanks to the red light. If all goes well, the green light will come on. At the same time, it is written as an error in the scan log.
To double-check when tracing events, camera recordings are also available, where you can see the captured barcode displayed as a graphic overlay right on the video.
We can effectively extend this solution to accommodate special conditions for data validation or non-SharePoint destinations (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and any other photo validation process (we’re not limited to barcode scanning). The LED signaling can also be replaced/extended with another output device, e.g., a beeper. As a standard solution component for visual indication, we can install signaling with the LEDs we produce.